Monday, September 18, 2006

Brand Upon the Brain Credit

The premiere of The Brand Upon the Brain in Toronto sounded amazing! Unfortunately I couldn't make it to Canada, but the fabulous John DeShazo snapped this photo of my little credit at the end. I'll see it in New York in mid-October. It should be an extravaganza! Live orchestra! Live narrator (a famous one)! Live sound effects! Holy Smokes. Can't wait!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bumbershoot and the Stranger

Check this out from The Stranger! E. Ray had to point it out to me, but I think it is very cool. LRRH is the only one previewed for "Animalistic". Thanks Annie Wagner!

Western Mashups and an Irish Bloke’s Naked Mom
(FILM) Highlights from the 1 Reel Film Festival

Despite being short, I have to admit a prejudice against short things. Most short stories are either gimmicky or experimental; I can occasionally be persuaded to endorse the latter, but I can’t abide cheap tricks. Mainstream short films are even worse offenders. They’re rife with smartass concepts, stupid twist endings, and all manner of postadolescent male naiveté. So an all-shorts film festival, such as this round-the-clock marathon (noon to 10:00 p.m. every day) programmed by Seattle International Film Festival, should have me running for the exits. But in spite of the gimmicks (and there are plenty to be found here), something about the 1 Reel Film Festival pulls me in every time. Maybe it’s the AC.

All programs screen at McCaw Lecture Hall.

(*) Animalistic, Sat noon–1 pm

Little Red Riding Hood, the only local film in this hour-long set about smart and otherwise unnerving animals, is a stylish adaptation of the fairy tale. Filmed in black and white with intertitles and the obligatory revisionist ending, the movie’s got a cute Little Red, a grandmotherly wolf in local actor Eric Ray Anderson, and some wickedly delicious berries to one side of the wooded trail.

Bumbershoot/Stranger Link